Saturday, June 20, 2015

Beginners guide to Coded UI test scripting Part 1


Coded UI is a tool that Software Test Automation Engineers can use to create fully automated tests to validate the functionality and behavior of the User Interface of Windows or Web Applications Under Test (AUT). In this tutorial, you will learn how to automate test cases in Coded UI without using record and play back

This is the first of several parts of the tutorial. In part 1 I will demonstrate how you can use coded UI to automate the Windows Calculator.  We are going to use Coded UI to find the Calculator controls and interact with Calculator user interface controls. We will include namespaces such as mouse support in our test script. 




1.    Microsoft Windows PC

2.    Visual Studio Ultimate, Visual Studio Premium

3.    Basic understanding of C#


During this tutorial we will do the following:

·       Create a Coded UI test project

·       Use the Coded UI Test Builder to  drive the user interface

·       Add assertion statements to the test script

·       Execute the test


Before we begin, you need to install Visual Studio. For this tutorial I used Visual studio 2012 Ultimate. You may install VS 2012 Ultimate or Premium. I will assume that you know how to install Visual Studio or can get an installation instruction online.  Now that you have installed Visual Studio let’s get started.


Step 1.  Create a Coded UI Test Project

·       Launch Visual Studio 2012 (or whatever version you have installed)

·       Click File à New à Project

·       From the New Project dialog select Test under Templates à Visual C#

·       Select Coded UI Test Project in the middle pane (see the screenshot below)



·       Enter the text CalculatorTest in the Name field

·       Select a location on your local PC to save your project

·       Click the OK button

Visual Studio will generate the Coded UI template needed for the Coded UI test. Click the Cancel button on the “Generate Code for Coded UI Test” dialog box, to close it without generating any code.


Step 2. Create the UI Map and script to drive the test

·       Launch the Windows Calculator

·       Ensure that the Calculator is set to the basic view

·       In Visual Studio, right-click CalculatorTest (the project name) and select Add à New Folder

·       Name the new folder BasicCalculatorUIMap

·       Right-click the BasicCalculatorUIMap folder and select Add à Class

·       In the “Add New Item –CalculatorTest” dialog box

o   Select Visual C# Items à Test from the Installed (left) pane

o   Select Coded UI Test Map from the middle pane

o   Enter “CalculatorUIMap.uitest” in the Name field (without the quotes)

o   Click the Add button (See the screenshot below)




The Add New Item – CalculatorTest dialog box is closed and the Coded UI Test Builder is displayed (at the bottom right corner as shown in the screenshot below)


·       Click the Cross hair and drag it over the Calculator button labelled  0” until it is highlighted

·       Repeat the above step for every control on the calculator application

·       Click the Code generator icon to save the controls in the CalculatorUIMap.uitest class

·       Close the Coded UI Test Builder when you are finished (click the X button)




Step 3. Write supporting functions to be used in our test cases

·       Add the following to the using section

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using CalculatorTest.BasicCalculatorUIMap.CalculatorUIMapClasses;

·       Write the below code for launching the calculator

private void launchTheWindowsCalculator()


            Process process = new Process();

            process.StartInfo.FileName = "Calc.exe";




·       Write the following function for closing the calculator

                    private void CloseTheCalculator()


                     //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2

                      CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap(); 


                      //now get the position of the calculator close button and click on it with the mouse

                     var calcCloseButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UICalculatorTitleBar.UICloseButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                     var xCoordinate = calcCloseButton.X + 3;

              var yCoordinate = calcCloseButton.Y + 3;

              System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



Step 4. Start coding the test cases.

For this tutorial, I will write 4 test cases to demonstrate how to use Coded UI to automate your test cases.  I will automate the following simple test cases:

1.    Add the positive numbers 5 and 8 and verify the result is 13

2.    Subtract 3 from 9 and verify the result is 6

3.    Divide 8 by 2 and verify the result is 4

4.    Multiply 9 and 3 and verify the result is 27

Below is a listing of the Coded UI code to implement the above test cases (you will find a zip file of the code here):


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

using System.Windows.Input;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Drawing;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Extension;

using Keyboard = Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITesting.Keyboard;

using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

using CalculatorTest.BasicCalculatorUIMap.CalculatorUIMapClasses;



namespace CalculatorTest


    /// <summary>

    /// Summary description for CodedUITest1

    /// </summary>


    public class CUITCalcFunctionalTests


        public CUITCalcFunctionalTests()





        public void testCase1_AddPositive5and8()


            int expectedResult = 13;

            int actualResult = AddPositive5and8();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);






        public void testCase2_Subtract3From9()


            int expectedResult = 6;

            int actualResult = subtract3From9();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);






        public void testCase3_Divide8By2()


            int expectedResult = 6;

            int actualResult = divide8By2();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);






        public void testCase4_Multiply9And3()


            int expectedResult = 27;

            int actualResult = multiply9And3();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, actualResult);







//********************************* Supporting functions  ***************************************************


        private int AddPositive5and8()


            CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap();  //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2

            int result = 0;


            //launch the application under test





                var num5Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow9.UIItem5Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var num8Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow14.UIItem8Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var addButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow2.UIAddButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var eqSignButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow3.UIEqualsButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var calcTextDisplay = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItem0Window.UIItem0Text;

                var clearButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow20.UIClearButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var xCoordinate = 0;

                var yCoordinate = 0;




                //start by clearing the claculator so we have a clean slate

                xCoordinate = clearButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = clearButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //click the button labelled 5 on the claculator

                xCoordinate = num5Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num5Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //click the calculator add button

                xCoordinate = addButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = addButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



               // click the calculator button labelled 8

                xCoordinate = num8Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num8Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //click the equals sign on the calculator

                xCoordinate = eqSignButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = eqSignButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //get the result of the calculation displayed on the calculator screen

                result = System.Convert.ToInt32(calcTextDisplay.DisplayText);



            catch (Exception ex)






                calcUIMap = null;


                //close the application



            return result;




        private int subtract3From9()


            CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap();  //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2

            int result = 0;


            //launch the application under test





                var num3Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow6.UIItem3Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var num9Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow15.UIItem9Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var subtractButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow7.UISubtractButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var eqSignButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow3.UIEqualsButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var calcTextDisplay = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItem0Window.UIItem0Text;

                var clearButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow20.UIClearButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var xCoordinate = 0;

                var yCoordinate = 0;



                //start by clearing the claculator so we have a clean slate

                xCoordinate = clearButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = clearButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press 9 on the calculator

                xCoordinate = num9Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num9Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the minus sign

                xCoordinate = subtractButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = subtractButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the number 3

                xCoordinate = num3Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num3Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the equals sign

                xCoordinate = eqSignButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = eqSignButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);




                //get the result of the calculation displayed on the calculator screen

                result = System.Convert.ToInt32(calcTextDisplay.DisplayText);



            catch (Exception ex)






                calcUIMap = null;


                //close the application



            return result;




        private int divide8By2()


            CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap();  //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2

            int result = 0;


            //launch the application under test





                var num8Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow14.UIItem8Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var num2Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow5.UIItem2Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var divideButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow31.UIDivideButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var eqSignButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow3.UIEqualsButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var calcTextDisplay = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItem0Window.UIItem0Text;

                var clearButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow20.UIClearButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var xCoordinate = 0;

                var yCoordinate = 0;



                //start by clearing the claculator so we have a clean slate

                xCoordinate = clearButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = clearButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the button 8

                xCoordinate = num8Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num8Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the button for divide sign

                xCoordinate = divideButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = divideButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the button 2

                xCoordinate = num2Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num2Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the equals sign

                xCoordinate = eqSignButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = eqSignButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //get the result of the calculation displayed on the calculator screen

                result = System.Convert.ToInt32(calcTextDisplay.DisplayText);



            catch (Exception ex)






                calcUIMap = null;


                //close the application



            return result;




        private int multiply9And3()


            CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap();  //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2

            int result = 0;


            //launch the application under test





                var num9Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow15.UIItem9Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var num3Button = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow6.UIItem3Button.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var multiplyButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow11.UIMultiplyButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var eqSignButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow3.UIEqualsButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var calcTextDisplay = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItem0Window.UIItem0Text;

                var clearButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UIItemWindow20.UIClearButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var xCoordinate = 0;

                var yCoordinate = 0;



                //start by clearing the claculator so we have a clean slate

                xCoordinate = clearButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = clearButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press 9

                xCoordinate = num9Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num9Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the multiplication sign

                xCoordinate = multiplyButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = multiplyButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press 3

                xCoordinate = num3Button.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = num3Button.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //press the equals sign

                xCoordinate = eqSignButton.X + 3;

                yCoordinate = eqSignButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



                //get the result of the calculation displayed on the calculator screen

                result = System.Convert.ToInt32(calcTextDisplay.DisplayText);



            catch (Exception ex)






                calcUIMap = null;


                //close the application



            return result;






        private void launchTheWindowsCalculator()


            Process process = new Process();



                process.StartInfo.FileName = "Calc.exe";





             catch (Exception ex)






                 process = null;






        private void CloseTheCalculator()


            CalculatorUIMap calcUIMap = new CalculatorUIMap();  //get access to the UIMap class we created in step 2



                //now get the position of the calculator close button and click on it with the mouse

                var calcCloseButton = calcUIMap.UICalculatorWindow.UICalculatorTitleBar.UICloseButton.BoundingRectangle.Location;

                var xCoordinate = calcCloseButton.X + 3;

                var yCoordinate = calcCloseButton.Y + 3;

                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Position = new System.Drawing.Point((int)xCoordinate, (int)yCoordinate);



            catch (Exception ex)






                calcUIMap = null;




Coded UI recognizes the public methods tagged with [TestMethod] as the tests; so for each test case I created a public method with the appropriate tag. These methods call their supporting functions that do the actual work of implementing the test steps of the test case. Each supporting function returns a value to their calling module, which then use returned value in the assertion statement to compare to the expected value.

Step 5. Run the tests

·       To execute the Coded UI tests in Visual Studio you may do one of the following (see 2 screenshots):

o   Select TESTàRun àAll Tests

o   Press CTRL+R,A

o   Select Run All from the Test Explorer

o   Alternatively You could highlight one or more tests in the Test Explorer, right-click the highlighted test, and click Run Selected Tests from the context menu




Step 6. The test results

If you run the test as is, you will notice that test #3 failed. I intentionally passed in expected result as 6 instead of 4, to demonstrate what a test failure looks like in Coded UI test.  Below is a screenshot to provide more information.

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